Huizhou – Synergistic Remediation Enterprise for production, soil, and groundwater, specializing in multi-technology coupling.

Suspected DNAPL area: 1400 m³

Over-repair target value area: 3900 m³

Exceeding Class IV Water Standard Area: 11000 m³

- In sites contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons (DNAPL), a prevalent global issue is soil exhibiting excessive levels of PCE, and the ground water containing elevated concentrations of DCM, VC, TCE, PCE, DCE.

- Solely employing in-situ remediation, utilizing a blend of various technologies.

(1) The plant perimeter implements hydraulic control measures to contain the pollutants, and residual wastewater ponds are excavated and removed.

(2) Remediation within the contaminated area involves thermal enhancement techniques such as multi-phase extraction, in-situ chemical injection, electric-microbial synergistic remediation, monitored natural attenuation, and additional technologies.

*Standard initiatives for transferring accountability from foreign-funded enterprises.

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